Friday, May 10, 2024


A. Every 75 seconds x7 sets

1 Snatch Pull

1 Hang Snatch pull

2 Below knee hang power snatches

-building load throughout from 115#/75# to 

a good working set for the day

B. 5 sets

30 second Echo bike

rest 30 seconds 

30 second alternating DB snatches @ 50#/35#

rest 30 seconds 

30 second knee to elbow

rest 30 seconds

x5 sets 

*goal is consistent reps per set for all movements


A. 7 min AMRAP

     12 goblet split squat or reverse lunges

     8 single DB box step ups

     4 burpees

     Rest 3 min

     7 min AMRAP

     Row 10/7 cal

     12 v-ups

B. Take 12 min to complete 3 sets:

     B1. Banded tricep pushdowns x 30

     B2. KB horn bicep curls x 12

     B3. Side plank x 20-30se