Wednesday, October 2, 2024


A. For max reps

3 minutes max strict HSPU or pike HSPU

rest 1:00

3 minutes max strict pull-ups or ring rows (add band if needed)

rest 1:00

3 minutes Max push-ups

rest 1:00

3 minutes max rope climbs 

B. For time

Run 400m




S2oh @ 115#/75# 


Run 400m


A. Complete 3-4 sets of the following in 12 minutes:

A1. Banded pull throughs x20 reps

A2. Barbell pedlay rows x8-10 reps @30×1

A3.Side plank 20sec/side

B. 6 minute AMRAP 

10 wall ball

8 single leg alternating v-ups

6 single arm DB s2oh

Rest 2min 

x2 sets