Wednesday, August 21, 2024


A. Take 15 minutes to complete the following

Back Squat

x10 @ 65%

x8 @ 70%

x8 @ 75%

x6 @ 80%

B. For time

30 pull-ups or ring rows 

20 Front squats @ 135#/95#

10 Wall walks 

20 front squats @ 135#/95#

30 pull-ups or ring rows


A. Take 15 minutes to complete 4 sets of the following

    A1. Tall kneeling DB strict press x8-10 reps

    A2. Supine rope climb x3-4  

    A3. Side plank 20-30 seconds per side 

B. 5 rounds for time 

6 box jumps or step ups 

9 kettlebell swings 

12 ring rows/ pull-ups 

15 air squats