Monday, September 23, 2024

Week 9-23-24


A. For time

Run 400m

50 hang power snatches @ 65#/45#

run 400m

50 push press

Run 400m

50 Sumo deadlift high pulls

Run 400m

50 front squats 


B. Complete 3 sets 

    B1. 15 DB overhead tricep extensions

right into Max diamond push-ups in 30 seconds 

   B2: DB bicep hammer curl x12-15 reps


A. In 12 minutes complete 4 sets of the following: 

A1. DB flat bench press x10-12 reps

A2. Bulgarian split squat x6-8 reps/leg @20×1 rest 30 seconds b/t legs 

C. 13 min AMRAP 

12 DB hang snatches

10 step-ups w/DB

8 sit-ups

100m run